Original article
A. Obead , M. Ahmed
Department of Medicine (7th April hospital) Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 14, No. 1-2. January/July 1991: 44-47
A review of 700 fibreoptic broncospies carried out at “7th April” hospital, Ben ghazi, is presented. The major indication for bronchoscopy was suspected bronchial carcinoma. 344 patients had abnormal bronchoscopy findings and 35.5 percent had bronchial biopsy specimens diagnostic of malignancy. Incidence of bronchial carcinoma was low as compared to that of the west. There was no major complications. Analysis of results confirms that technique is safe and helpfut in producing diagnosis of bronchial and pulmonary diseases.
Keywords: Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy in Benghazi