Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies Of The Prostate: Evidence Of DNA Cytometric Abnormalities In Cytologically Benign Lesions

Original article


AbdelBaset Buhmeida, Yrjo Collan

Department of Pathology and MediCity Research Laboratory, University of Turku, Fin – 20520 Turku, Finland.

Electronic Journal Of Pathology And Histology 2001;7(4)


59 FNAB samples from normal or hyperplastic prostates were stained with Feulgen stain. Different cell groups were evaluated. The intensity of the Feulgen stain was measured by a computer-assisted image cytometry system. The DNA histogram patterns were evaluated. The recommended gate for diploidy was between 1.7c-2.3c. The studied cell groups revealed different types of DNA histograms. About 93% of samples had at least one cell group with DN
A peak within the gate limits. In about 15.4% and 4.2% of the samples peaks were seen located above and below the gate limits, respectively.
We concluded that although there were no cytological abnormalities evident in microscopy, results suggest DNA abnormalities in ageing prostates. The cells located within the gate limits should be considered to represent biologically normal cells while cells outside the gate probably present cells produced by mitotic abnormalities.

Keywords: Cytologically benign prostatic lesions, FNAB, DNA cytometric abnormalities
