Original article
A. F. Khalil
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Garyounis University, Benghazi, S.P.L.A .J.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 2, No.2. July 1979: 43-48
One hundred and thirty-six patients with various types of fractures of the facial skeleton were studied and analysed together with statistics related to the etiology of the fractures, age, sex, associated injuries and seasonal distribution. Results of the study reveal that road traffic accidents are responsible for 65.4% of the cases. Young males were the most frequent victims of fractures of the facial skeleton, although we have 16.9% of the patients under 10 years of age.
Also our study reveals that mandibular body is the most frequently fractured area, and 44.8% of the cases have varying degrees of brain concussions.
The fact that there is considerable increase in highways and the number of motor vehicles available to the youth in. Libya within the last few years may provide an explanation for the substantial increase in accidents compared to international figures.
Keywords: Fractures of the Facial Bones in Benghazi—I