Original article
A. Khamage, TVM Murthy, H. Elsheiby
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 18. 1995-1997: 11-16
This is a study of 24 cases of intestinal injuries sustained among 316 children admitted with abdominal trauma from January 1986 to December 1992. Road traffic accident was the cause in majority of the cases (58.3 %) followed by falls from heights (25%). Stab wounds were seen in 2 cases and crush injury was the cause in one case. The site of the injury was the stomach in 2 cases (7.4%), duodenum in 5 cases (18.5%), duodenojejunal junction in two cases (7.4%),
jejunoileum in 14 cases (51.9%). Colon and rectum were involved in one case each (3.5%).
Biliary tract was injured in 2 cases (7.4%) and injuries were found at multiple sites in 2 cases (12.5%). Associated abdominal injuries included that of spleen in 2 cases, kidney in 2 cases and liver, diaphragm and mesentery were involved in one case each. There was retroperitoneal hematoma in 3 cases. Four patients had head injury, another four had skeletal injuries and chest injury was there in one case. Simple closure of the perforation was done in 15 cases whereas 3 cases needed resection and anastomosis. Conservative treatment was successful in all the 5 cases intra-mural hematoma of the duodernum.
Keywords: Abdominal Trauma, Gastrointestinal injuries