Nabil B, Bounab S, Benazzi L, Yahiaoui M.
Transfus Clin Biol. 2020 Feb;27(1):43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.tracli.2018.11.003. Epub 2018 Nov 29.
Our study included 2465 blood donors unrelated from both sexes, originating from Msila (Algeria), at Msila Blood Transfusion Center (CTS), with the aim of performing an anthropogenetic characterization of the population of M’sila, by studying the three-erythrocyte polymorphic systems ABO, Rhesus, and Kell with their allele frequencies. This allowed us to demonstrate after a multi-varied comparative analysis through principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) On the one hand, comparing the population of Msila to the different regions of Algeria where we found a genetic proximity with the great south of Algeria going towards the south-east of Algeria. On the other hand, the comparative analysis of Msila’s population with other populations in the world based on historical, geographical and cultural profile, by building a tri-hybrid potential parenting model (North Africa, Mediterranean and Middle orient) through the three blood systems, allowed us to identify four potential parents including Egypt and Libya (North Africa) and Saudi Arabia and South Yemen (Middle East), Regarding the third strand of our tri-hybrid model, we did not find any potential parental link with the northern shore of the Mediterranean (southern Europe) despite the historical and geographical link that exists. This study allowed us to share the map of Algeria genetically into two blocks: a North block and a South block. It also allowed us to trace a retrograde genetic route through the time of the M’sila population, thus determining these potential parental origins. CI – Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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Link/DOI: 10.1016/j.tracli.2018.11.003