Original article
Elhamel A, Nagmuish S, Elfaidi S, Ben Dalal H.
The Surgical Endoscopy Unit, Department of Surgery, Central Hospital, Alfateh Medical School Tripoli Libya.
HPB (Oxford). 2002;4(3):105-10.
BackgroundLaparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has an increased incidence of bile duct injury and bile leak when compared with open cholecystectomy. This study reviews management of these complications in a general hospital setting. Data collected from patients diagnosed and treated in one surgical unit for biliary complications after LC between 1992 and 1996 were analysed.MethodA total of 14 patients were examined. Diagnosis was defined mainly by Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and undetected choledocholitiasis was discovered in association with two of these complications. 43% of patients presented after LC with early postoperative bile leak or jaundice due to partial or complete bile duct excision or slippage of clips from the cystic duct. 57% presented with late biliary strictures. Thirteen patients were treated surgically, with biliary reconstruction (11 patients), direct repair (one) and cystic duct ligation in combination with clearance of bile duct from large multiple stones (one). One patient,who had clip displacement from cystic duct in combination with misplaced clip on right hepatic duct, was treated elsewhere. Postoperatively, one patient developed anastomotic leak and another died from sequellaie of bile duct transection requiring staged operations.ConclusionsIt is concluded that, in an environment similar to that where the authors had to work, LC should be performed in hospitals with facility to perform ERCP or when access for this technique is available in a nearby institution. Early recognition and immediate management of biliary injuries is dependent on individual resources and circumstances but, if required, consultation with colleagues or referral of patients with suspected or established biliary complications should not be delayed.
Keywords: Handling of biliary complications following laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the setting of Tripoli Central Hospital.
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