A. Naser Y. Elzouki
Department of Medicine. 7th April Hospital. Benghazi, G.S.P.L.A.J
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 14, No. 1-2. January/July 1991: 72-79
The hepatitis C virus, (HCV) a single stranded RNA virus probably belonging to the family flavi viruses. has been identified as the probable cause of the majority of casts of transfusion – associated non – A, non – B hepatitis. HCV is present in approximately 1% of the blood donor population and is extremely common in high risk groups such as hemophiliacs and parenteral drug users. infection with HCV may be associated with aplastic anaemia complicating non – A, non – B hepatitis, and may contribute to fulminant hepatitis, particularly in hepatitis B surface antigen chronic carriers. Further studies will define its role in each of these categories. Preliminary reports indicated that HCV infection may be a common cause of chronic liver disease (CLD) and may be implicated in hepatocellular carcinoma occurring in the setting of non – A, non B – hepatitis. Treatment of CLD associated with HCV infection may be possible with recombinant alpha interferon in the future. However, prevention of hepatitis C virus infection may be achieved with screening of donor blood and exclusion of positive units and is more likely to decrease the incidence of post– transfusion hepatitis.
Keywords: Hepatitis C Virus