HIV/AIDS Mortality: Tripoli Medical Centre Experience

Short Communications


Salem El-Agheli¹, Jumma A Madi² , Hamed Jali³, Tarek Mejrisi³ and Osama Askora³

1-Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Al- Fateh University 2-Department of Medicine, Respiratory Unit, TMC, Tripoli, Libya

JMJ 2007,Vol.7, No.4:298-299


The aim of this retrospective study is to demonstrate the magnitude of the HIV/AIDS infection in Libyan population in order to take prospective protective measures to decrease the rate of transmission of the HIV/AIDS. Four hundred and forty five deaths due to HIV-AIDS were registered in Tripoli Medical Centre (TMC) during the period from January 1st 2001 to 31st December 2006. The majority of the deaths were among males 391 (88%) and 54 (12%) females, with M: F ratio (7.2 : 1). Half of the deaths were in the productive age group (31-40 years). The youngest recorded was few days old and the oldest was 85 years. 50% and 20% of these HIV deaths were co-infected with HCV, HBV respectively. Septicaemia, pneumonia, tuberculoses, meningitis and toxoplasmosis as opportunistic infections were noted to be the most common complications leading to death.

Keywords: HIV, AIDS, Opportunistic infections, HCV, HBV, TB and Mortality.
