Hospital Infection



G. A. J. Ayliffee

Consultant Microbiologist, Regional Health Service Infection c.- Laboratory, Dudley Road Hospital, Birmingham, England.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 1, No.2. July 1978:35-38 Vol. 1, No.2. July 1978:35-38


Hospital acquired (nosocomial) infection is mainly of operation wounds, the urinary and respiratory tract, and the skin. Gram-negative bacilli, especially Klebsiella sp. and related organisms, have been causing increasing problems in recent years and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is still a problem in some countries. Staphylococcal infections of operation wounds are still common, although resistance of Staph. aureus to antibiotics has decreased in most general hospitals. Hospital infection is commonly associated with increasing age and length of stay, overcrowding, poor surgical or aseptic techniques, instrumentation, (e.g. urinary and intravenous catheterization) and excessive use of antibiotics. Simple measures for preventing infection include good hygienic techniques (especially hand-washing), isolation of patients infected with communicable or highly antibiotic-resistent organisms (including multiple-resistent Staph. aureus), and the elimination of “most” reservoirs in the environment. Short-term prophylaxis with antibiotics is indicated in certain types of surgery, but widespread use of antibiotics should be avoided, and every hospital should have an antibiotic policy.

Keywords: Hospital Infection
