Identification of a steroid in Vernix Caseosa with antibacterial and antifungal activities.

Original article


Nura N. Ballo, F.T. Abdelaziz

Lab. Medicine Department , Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 21, No.1. 2004:57-59


Background: Vernix caseosa is thought to have a protective value for newborns. However, studies of this aspect are limited in number. Objective: to determine the effect of Vernix caseosa on the growth of some bacterial and fungal agents. Materials and Methods: classical fractionation, saponification and microbiological methods were followed. Results: 20 random samples of vernix caseosa were collected form 20 newborns in Jamahyria Hospital, Benghazi Libya. A Biochemical and microbiological study revealed an isolation of its liquid and protein fraction. Both fractions showed a significant inhibitory effect on E.coli, Klebseilla and Candida Albicans particularly the liquid fraction. Conclusion: The liquid fraction (steroidal part) of the vernix is significant inhibitor of some micro-organisms. This steroid found to have antibacterial as well as antifungal activities against E. coli, Klebscilla and Candida.

Keywords: vernix caseosa, protein, liquid, steroid, E.coli , Kiebscilla, Candida Albican.
