Identification of Four Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibres in Adults Rats

Original article


LA. Fihes, H.I. Dessuky

Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Al Arab Medical University, GS.P.L.A.J

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 14, No. 1-2. January/July 1991:.61-65


In the biceps brachii muscle of the rat four types of skeletal muscle fibres were identified. Type Ia fibres were oxidative fibres which showed strong acid preincubated ATPase, They represented 24.1 + 1.75% of the fibres. Type lb were oxidative fibres with weak glvcolytic activity. They constituted 4.6 + 1.3% of the total number of fibres. Type II fibres were glycolytic fibres with strong alkaline preincubated ATPase. They represented 42.6 + 5.45% of the total number of fibres. Type lll fibres were glycolytic oxidative fibres or on intermediate type which consituted 28.6 + 2.4% of the total number of fibres in this muscle.

Keywords: Identification of Four Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibres in Adults Rats
