IgE antibody responses in symptomatic and asymptomatic cystic hydatidosis patients

Original article


A. O. Deaki1, P. S. Craig2, D. Pritchard3, R. Bonifacino4

1) Department of microbiology and Immunity, Faculty of medicine, University of Alfatah, Tripoli Libya; 2) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Salford, Salford M54 WT. UK; 3) Faculty of Medicine, Nottingham University, Nottingham NG7 2RD; 4) Department of Parasitology, Instituto de Higiene, Facultad de Medicina, Montevideo, Uruguay

JMJ Vol.3 No.2 (September) 2004: 68-77


Immunoblotting and ELISA techniques have contributed significantly to the immunodiagnosis of cystic hydatidosis (CHD) and in view of the importance of IgE response, serum samples from healthy individuals, “asymptomatic” hepatic CHD Libyan cases and “symptomatic” surgically treated CHD patients from Libya and Uruguay, have been assessed for IgE antibody, where the comparison between specific IgE evaluation and clinical serological techniques in the diagnosis of hydatid disease yields interesting information. The mean optical density represents the IgE antibody between the healthy individuals from Libyan community was 0.019. The determine of IgE antibody levels was correlated to pathologic types i.e. types I-V, and the results using ANOVA test showed that there was a significant difference in optical density means between the six Types (I-V) P<0.007, also there was significant difference in seropositivity between the US Types (I-V) P<0.002, where a higher concentration of specific IgE antibodies is detected in patients with living E. granulosus cysts and as shown in this study, in evoluative phase (Types I-IIIb), unchanged and surgical cases. In addition to that in persisting infection, the balance of Th1/Th2 CD4+ cells may shift in favour of those with a Th2-like response.,(more IL-4 and IL-5 production, less IFN- ), resulting in IgE and IgG4 production with the persisting eosinophilia and mastositosis. The IgE level also seems to decrease with the loss of viability of the cysts and after treatment of hepatic hydatid disease with mebendazole, involutive phase (Types IV-V), improved and cured cases. Using of whole HCF antigens lead to false-positive reactions with other helminthiases. To avoid this cross-reactivity protein antigens were separated by SDS-PAGE from different parts of the hydatid cyst and wide spectrum of antigenic peptides amongest AgB subunit 24 kDa and Ag5 subunits 38-40, 48 and 59 kDa were obtained, and recognised when blotted against myeloma monoclonal anti-human IgE. Probing of IgE antibody against different parts of HCF showed similarity in recognition of 24 kDa and Ag5 subunits, where IgE blotted against protoscolex extract exhibited reactivity with Ag5 subunits 38-40 kDa but not with AgB. These results support the suggestion that the protoscoleces do not provoke the immune system or cause anaphylactic shock, which probably means that AgB (24kDa) may be the responsible subunit that could provoke the anaphylactic shock. Keywords: Cystic Hydatidosis, E. granulosus, Asymptomatic patients, IgE, Evolutive phase, Involutive phase, Immunoblotting ELISA Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1332