Original article
Mishra A, Ehtuish EF.
Department of Radiology, National Organ Transplant Program, PO Box 7913, Ainzara, Al-Furnaz, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Libya. dranujmish@yahoo.com
Saudi Med J. 2007 Jul;28(7):1091-5.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of multidetector (16-row) computed tomography (MDCT) in imaging the upper and lower limb arterial tree in trauma and peripheral vascular disease. METHODS: Thirty three patients underwent multislice computed tomography angiography (MSCTA) of the upper or the lower limb on multislice (16-slice) CT scanner between November 2004 and July 2005 in the Department of Radiology, National Organ Transplant Center, Tripoli, Libya. The findings were retrospectively compared with the surgical outcome in cases of trauma with suspected arterial injuries; or color Doppler correlation was obtained, for patients of peripheral vascular disease. RESULTS: Multislice computed tomography angiography allows a comprehensive diagnostic work-up in all trauma cases with suspected arterial injuries. In 23 cases of peripheral vascular diseases, MSCTA adequately demonstrated the presence of any stenosis or occlusion, its degree and extent, the presence of collaterals and distal reformation if any; the presence of plaques. CONCLUSION: Our experience of computed tomography angiography with 16-row MDCT scanner has clearly demonstrated its efficacy as a promising, new, fast, accurate, safe and non-invasive imaging modality of choice in cases of trauma with suspected arterial injuries; and as a useful screening modality in cases of peripheral vascular diseases for diagnosis and for grading.
Keywords: Imaging of peripheral arteries by 16-slice computed tomography angiography. A valuable tool?
Link/DOI: http://www.smj.org.sa/DetailArticle.asp?ArticleId=3691