Infection among Libyan Diabetic Patients at Tripoli Medical Centre

Original article


Hawa Juma El-Shrief

Endocrine Department, Tripoli Medical Centre, Tripoli, Libya

JMJ Vol.8, No.1 (Spring) 2008:51-53


We report the results of a retrospective review of 488 patient files admitted to Tripoli Medical Centre (TMC), with the diagnosis of infection over a three years period. Our aim was to determine causes of infection related morbidity and mortality among diabetic patients admitted in TMC. The data analyzed included ,admission diagnosis, demographic variables, duration and mode of treatment of diabetes. Past history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), cerebrovascular disease, chronic renal failure and hypertension, duration of hospital stay, and outcome. The mean age for all patients was 61.9±13.9 (range16-97) years. In 369(6.3% ) infection was the primary cause of admission, mainly due to respiratory tract infection and gastrointestinal related infection. In 119 patients infection complicated other diagnosis, and was mainly attributed to chest infection, septicaemia, urinary tract infection, and skin infection. Our data indicate a high in- hospital mortality rate (24%) among diabetic patients admitted with infection at TMC. Main reasons for death were pneumonia and septicaemia.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Infection, Mortality, Septicaemia, Pneumonia, Stroke, Ischaemic heart disease.
