Intellectual and developmental assessment of cerebral palsy cases in Libyan city.

Original article


Khan MA.

Department of Pediatrics, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya.

Indian J Med Sci. 1992 Aug;46(8):235-8.


This study was undertaken to evaluate the pattern of cerebral palsy (CP) cases seen at Children’s Hospital, benghazi, Libya, in respect of age and sex distribution and developmental outcome according to the type of CP and in various diseases. 60 children both male and female with CP were examined for developmental and intellectual impairment responsible for severe learning and psychomotor disabilities and to their linguistic disorder. Diagnosis of CP was made by a detailed history, physical examination and relevant laboratory investigations. Intellectual and developmental assessment of all CP cases were done by psychometry. CPs are motor syndromes, and not diseases. They are commonly associated with sensory or cognitive defects and epilepsies. The CP children when compared with normal are significant at 0.01 level of significance IQ’s and DQ’s. Only 8% children with mild to borderline intellectual impairment had mild speech delay an darticulation defects, and showed learning disability. 40% children with sensory disorder had variations from moderate to borderline intellectual subnormality and 36% children with birth asphyxia had delayed milestones thought were felt to have motor problems initially.

Keywords: Intellectual and developmental assessment of cerebral palsy cases in Libyan city.
