Intestinal Obstruction : A 5-year Retrospective Study in 2nd March Hospital, Sebha

Original article


Khalifa. M. Alayat 1, Mahnioud H. A. Milad 2, Mehrez M. Ibrahim, A. Zain 1, Amer Twati 1, Maher Hamed 1.

1-Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Libya. 2-Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Libya..

Sebha Univ. J Med. Sci. 2002, Vol 3(1):10-12


95 cases of intestinal obstruction were studied retrospectively over a period of 5 years. Obstruction due tohernia account for 43% of the cases. Adhesions account for 32% of cases secondary to appendicectomy. trauma and pelvic surgery. Strangulation account for 7% of cases. Conservative treatment was successful in 23% of cases, most of them due to adhesions. Mean hospital stay was 7.4 day. Morbidity was 5.2% Mortality was 5.2%.

Keywords: Intestinal Obstruction : A 5-year Retrospective Study in 2nd March Hospital, Sebha
