W. Sawicki, M.M. Mughal, Salha Zubi
Histology Unit, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A .J.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 7, No. 2. July 1984:187.193
The components, structure, and immune significance of intestine-associated lymphoid system (JALS) are discussed in the light of recent experimental and some clinical data. The role of intraepithelial granulated lymphocytes occupying strategic positions against luminal antigens is particuarly emphasized. The discussion includes the structure and functions of Peyer’s patches and lymphoid system of the appendix. The alleged relationship between JALS lymphocytes and mucosal mast cells is also considered. The review also includes a discussion of the immunological role of IALS.
Keywords: Intestine Associated Lymphoid System