Intraluminal Calcified Colonic Hydatid Cyst

Case report


M. El Fortia 1, A. El Gatit 2, M. Bendaoud 3, A. Rashid 4

1-Department of Radiology,Misurata Teaching Hospital,Misurata Libya 2-Department of Surgery,Albatnan Medical Center,Tobrouk Libya 3-Service de Radiologie,Hopital de Bologhen,Alger Algerie 4-College of physcians & Surgeons “CPSP”,Pakistan

The Internet Journal of Radiology. 2006. Volume 4 Number 2.


Hydatid cyst can occur anywhere from the big toe to the crown of the head as reported by Teymoorian & Bagheri in 1976. It is well documented in medical literature that renal hyadid cysts can be excreted out with urine (Hydatiduria) and pulmonary can be coughed out. Therfore, a hydatid cyst in the colon may theoritcally dispatch and pass out with the stool. We have reported previously the first case of hydatid cyst in the sigmoid colon and we report herein the second case of intraluminal colonic calcified hydatid cyst in a 64-year-old male which discovered incidently during the evaluation of liver hydatidosis.

Keywords: Intraluminal Calcified Colonic Hydatid Cyst
