Isolation of Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli Serotypes from Tripoli Infants

Original article


A. Tawil, J. Abdul-Aal

Faculty of Science, University of Al-Fateh Tripoli S.P.L.A.J.

Al Fateh Med. J Vol .1, No. 1. January 1981:35-40


Fecal specimens were collected from Tripoli Children Hospital during November 1979- April1980. Biochemical and serological tests were performed for identification of known Escherichia coli sero types isolated from 53 patients. Sixteen isolates of the known enteropathogenic E. coli were detected from 11 different patients. These isolates belong to 6 different sero types of known enteropathogenecity. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were also performed on all isolates to determine their susceptibility to the drugs used.

Keywords: Isolation of Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli Serotypes from Tripoli Infants
