Original article
Khaled Mohmed Abo-Faries
Department of ENT, Al thwora Hospital Al Beida, Libya
JMJ 2010,Vol.10, No.1:61-63
Background : CO2 laser is now being used in different oropharyngeal surgical procedures. On the other hand these same surgical procedures are being performed by non-laser Techniques which create a higher risk of postoperative complications as well as more postoperative morbidity with a longer duration of hospitalization. Objective: This study was conducted prospectively to confirm that CO2 laser had been improving the postoperative status of oropharyngeal surgical procedures as compared to non-laser techniques. Patients, Materials and Methods: 35 patients aged 7 to 53 years with different oropharyngeal disorders, namely chronic hypertrophied tonsils who underwent tonsillectomy, sleep apnoea syndrome with redundant palate and large uvula who were operated by uvulo palatopharyngoplasty (uppp), uvulo cysts and base of tongue haemingiomas who operated by laser and non-laser excisions. The patients were divided into two groups, group-A which included 15 patients were operated by CO2 laser techniques, group B in which patients were operated by non-laser surgical procedures, the cases were randomly distributed in the two groups. The groups were compared in relation to operative time consumption, intra-operative bleeding, postoperative dysphagia and odynophagia, postoperative oral intake, vomiting tendency, referred otalgia, fever, otitis media, septicaemia, airway obstruction; the period of postoperative hospitalization and the healing process. Results: 80% of patients who under went the CO2 laser procedures showed nonsignificant intra operative and postoperative bleeding, nonsignificant dysphagia, odynophagia, referred otalgia, fever, and vomiting tendancy as compared to non-laser techniques with percentage of 37% who showed similar results. 40% of patients in group A stayed less than 6 hours postoperatively in hospital as compared to group-B in which all patients stayed 24 hours in the hospital after surgery. Regarding otitis media, airway obstruction and septicaemia, in both groups no cases were registered. The healing process of both procedures were completed by one week. Conclusion: Generally speaking CO2 laser oropharyngeal surgical procedures, are technically more easy, safe, and effective, with higher economical benefits as compared to the non-laser techniques which create a higher risk of handicapping complications.
Keywords: Oropharyngeal surgery; CO2 laser oropharyngeal surgery; CO2 laser uvulopalatopharyngoplasty; CO2 laser tonsillectomy.
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/images/stories/spring2010/61.pdf