Leading medical causes of death among adults in TMC (2001)

Short communication


Jumma A Madi, Hasan A Maghur, Nuri M Albakosh, Ashraf G. S Shibbany

Department of Medicine, Tripoli Medical Centre, Tripoli- Libya

JMJ Vol. 5, No 2 (Summer) 2006: 151-152


One thousand ninety seven adult patients in Tripoli Medical Centre who died in 2001 have been studied for the leading medical causes of death including patients seen in the casualty, deaths on arrival as well as patients admitted to various medical departments. The leading causes of deaths were classified according to the nature of the disease and organ involvement. Out of the total patients who died, 24% was due to malignancy, 21.7% due to ischemic heart disease, 15.5 % due to Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), 11.67% because of infection, 6% was due to cirrhosis, 2% obstructive lung disease, 2.2% due chronic renal failure while no obvious causes detected in 3.65% of the cases. We conclude that the leading medical causes of death among adults in our centre were malignancy, cardiovascular disease mainly Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD), Cerebrovascular Disease and infection.

Keywords: Mortality, Malignancy, Ischemic heart Disease, Cerebrovascular Disease, Infection, Liver Cirrhosis

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