Leprosy (Part 2) Treatment and Disease Control



Gamal Ahmed Duweb ¹, Mohamed Benghazil ² , Ali Mohamed Gargoom ¹

1- Dermatology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi 2- Dermatology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Fateh Medical Sciences University, Tripoli Libya

JMJ 2009,Vol.9, No.2: 83-87


Although, leprosy is a very variable disease, affecting different people in different ways according to their immune response, it is no longer an incurable disease. In areas, where leprosy is less common, the ability to suspect leprosy and refer the patient to the specialist is the most important skill required for junior doctors working in dermatology, general practitioner and other specialities. The Multi- drug therapy “MDT” has been a continuing process and neither relapse nor drug resistance are significant problems. In the present we will review the treatment of leprosy and disease control and recent WHO recommendations.

Keywords: Leprosy, MDT, Paucibacillary, Multibacillary.

Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/PDF/summer2009/83.pdf