Malignant Lymphomas: A Clinical Study of 30 Cases

Original article


M.A. El-Mangoush 1, Suresh Kumar 1, Asma Ali Hassan 2

1-Hematology Unit, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A .J. 2-Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi,S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 7, No. 1. January 1984: 43-48


Lymphoma is the commonest haematological malignancy observed in the Benghazi area in the adult population. Most of these cases are from the eastern zone of the Libyan Jamahiriya. 30 cases of Lymphoma, admitted in the Haematology Unit of the “Seventh April” Hospital from 1980 to 1982, have been studied retrospectively. These included 15 cases each of Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphona. Their clinical features, various investigations, and results of therapy are presented.

Keywords: Malignant Lymphomas
