Original article
Busarira M.
Department of Obstetrics & Gyanecology; Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 21, No.1. 2004:46-48
Objectives: To determine the maternal mortality rate at Al-Jamahiriya hospital Benghazi in the period of 5 years (1998- 2002) Materials and methods: A clinic epidemiological retrospective study. Data were retrieved from patient’s clinical files. Results: 19 deaths were recorded. The calculated maternal mortality rate per 100,000 live births was 28.8. During the study period the highest MMR was 9 (66.8%) in 1998 and the lowest MMR was 1 (7.7%) in 2001. Conclusion: The educational and social levels for all women should be improved and better antenatal care with high quality services and referral system of high risk pregnancy to the hospital will further reduce the maternal death and would result in safer motherhood.
Keywords: Maternal mortality, Pregnancy induced hypertension, Caesarean Section.