Short communication
Ole Bentzen
Statens Horecentral, Arhus
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 4, No.1. January 1981:77-78
In the different syndromes of heritable connective tissue diseases to which otosclerosis belongs, affection of the organ of vision and the organ of hearing quite often occurs. In his book on these syndromes McKuisick (1966) stresses the importance of the frustran forms of these syndromes. The experiencies so far by using corneometry routinely at the audiological examination as we are doing at our hearing centre indicate the ability corneometry has in the diagnosis of the insufficiency of the connective organ. Examination by this method of a group of patients with chromosomal abnormalities does
values of the thickness of cornea and the chromosome-system
Keywords: Measurement of the thickness of Cornea in Patients with Hearing Defects