Original article
Mohamed S. H Ingafou, Hussein E Elfaituri.
Faculty of Dentistry; Garyounis University. Benghazi Libya
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 21, No.1. 2004:50-54
Objective: The mesiodistal crown widths of permanent teeth in a randomly selected 85 Libyans with normal occlusion were measured on dental casts in order to establish their norms. Setting: Dental faeu1t of Garyuonis University in Benghazi. Results: Sexual dimorphism was obvious as males were having overall larger teeth than females, however there were only minor variations in teeth size between the right and left sides. The combined arch width ratio between all maxillary and all mandibular teeth was 94.7: 87.6, and the widths of the 6 maxillary anterior teeth ratio to the 6 mandibular anterior teeth was 100: 74.7. Conclusion: The results obtained from this study can be used as a database for future studies of crowding as well as in space assessment analysis in mixed dentition.
Keywords: Tooth size, Libyan Orthodontics, Dental Norms