Misgav Ladach Caesarean Section; Experience in four different Libyan hospitals

Original article


Mustafa Bulugma, Saleh Meghil, Salma Elwaer, khadija Taib

Zawia Teaching hospital, Ejdabia hospital, Sabratha hospital and Massara Clinic.

JMJ Vol.6 No.1 (Autumn) 2006: 27-30


In the last few years, the rate of caesarean section is increased due to the use of new investigation and Foetal monitoring methods in addition to the request of the patients. Many gynaecological operations are replaced today with alternative medical or surgical methods (e.g. GnRH analogs and Laparoscopy). Caesarean section have no alternative, but we try to improve it, make it safer, easier, faster, simpler and more efficient by using a method that cause less damage to the tissues. Many studies on new operative techniques were tried; Misgav Ladach Caesarean section is one of these methods, since more than 7 years is widely used in USA and Europe. Zawia teaching hospitals is one of the hospitals in Jamahiriya using this method.

Keywords: Caesarean section (CS), Misgav ladach caesarean section (MLCS), General anaesthesia (GA), Peridural anaesthesia (PDA), Spinal anaesthesia (SA), In vitro fertilization (IVF)

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