Original article
M Dekna, A Aborawi, S Mletan, S Elhanesh, H Rabti
JMJ Vol. 2. No.1 [March] 2002: 48-50
As far as we know there are no reports about morbidity and mortality rates as related to perinatal and neonatal period. This study is intended to look for the causes of admission (morbidity) and mortality in our neonatal units; nursery and special care baby unit (SCBU) at Aljala maternity and children hospital .
Data were abstracted by reviewing the medical records of the neonatal units and that of the obstetric department in Aljala maternity and children hospitals over period of one complete year (from 1.1.1990 to 31.12.1990). The total deliveries were 23678 births (stillbirths are included) 23418 were live births. We admitted 1951 babies; 255 born out side Aljala hospital (out door) and 1696 born in Aljala hospital (Indoor) i.e.7.24% of the total live births were admitted to the neonatal units. The leading five reasons for admission were; (1) Low birth weight (2) Respiratory distress (3) Jaundice (4) birth injuries and (5) infections.
There were 623 prenatal deaths which gives a perinatal mortality rate of 26.3/ 10000births the stillbirths account for 41.73%, early neonatal mortality (Death during 1st week of life ) account for 58.27%. Early neonatal mortality was associated with: (1) Prematurity. (2) low birth weight. (3) Respiratory distress. (4) birth asphyxia and (5) Systemic infections. We concluded that: perinatal morbidity and mortality are high in Libya compared to western countries so neonatal medical services need more attention from health planners. We recommend proper antenatal cares for all pregnancies and high-risk deliveries should in maternity hospital where neonatal services must be available.
Keywords: Perinatal, Neonatal, Morbidity, Mortality
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1218