Original article
Rabia Nafu
Department of haematology, Jamahiria Hospital, Benghazi, Libya
JMJ Vol.4 No. 2 (Autumn) 2005: 129-132
This paper describes how the haemopoie microenviroment plays a decisive role in normal haemopoiesis either through cell interactions or by producing and or binding growth factor. The primary goal of our study is to examine morphologicaly connections between stroma and heamopoietic cells in vitro. The bone marrow cells were obtained from patients suffering from acute myloid leukaemia (AML) and from healthy donors. The two types of adherent colonies that were empirically found in our cultured samples, the foremost, consists of promyelocytic cells and secondly consists of neutrophils and monocytes. In conclusion , our result of cultured stromal cells from patients with AML, were unable to induce granulocytic differentiation of co-cultured haemopoietic progenitor cells.
Keywords: Bone Marrow, Cell Culture, Co-Culture, Stromal Cells
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=30