Ahmed A Toweir
Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Aarb Medical University, Benghazi, Libya
JMJ Vol.8, No.2 (Summer) 2008:84-87
In developed countries, the decline of human and bovine tuberculosis has helped to unmask nonspecific sensitization to tuberculins or purified protein derivatives (PPDs) in individuals exposed to various species of environmental Mycobacteria. Nevertheless diseases due to these organisms still remain a major health problem worldwide, recent reports suggest an increase in the incidence of Buruli ulcer (BU) caused by M. ulcerans in West Africa. In epidemiological as well as clinical settings, the use of more purified tuberculins (PPDs) or new tuberculins (NTs) in differential skin testing can certainly give better diagnosis and more rapid indication of previous exposure than isolation and typing of the predominating species of Mycobacteria.
Keywords: Mycobacteria, Tuberculins, PPDs, Buruli ulcer.