Myiasis: the battle continues against screwworm infestation.



Reichard RE, Vargas-Teran M, Abu Sowa M.

Screwworm Emergency Centre for North Africa, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

World Health Forum. 1992;13(2-3):130-8.


The New World screwworm fly (Cochliomyia hominivorax) caused myiasis extensively among livestock in Mexico and the southern third of the USA until eradication was achieved by repeatedly releasing sterile males of the species on a massive scale. The pest appeared in Libya in 1988, the first time it had become established outside the western hemisphere. Because of the threat of myiasis in animals and people, not only in Libya but also elsewhere in Africa and beyond, a concerted campaign of sterile male releases was mounted with strong international support, and the outbreak has been eliminated. Action is continuing against the pest in Central America.

Keywords: Myiasis: the battle continues against screwworm infestation.
