Non-iatrogenic perforation of the stomach by a chest tube in a patient with traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.

Case report


Yahya AI, Przybylski J.

Surgical Department, Zliten Central Hospital, Libya.

J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1998 Feb;43(1):62-3.


A 40-year-old Libyan male was admitted to the intensive therapy unit of Zliten Central Hospital, Libya after a road traffic accident in which he had been the driver. On physical examination he was irritable, dyspnoeic, cyanotic, had contusions and abrasions on his chest and abdomen (mainly on the left side), a lacerated wound on the forehead, a large haematoma over the left thigh and tenderness over the left side of the chest and abdomen.

Keywords: chest tube, stomach perforation, traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
