Nonpassage of Swallowed Foreign Bodies due to Congenital Gastroduodenal Junctional Diaphragm (A Case Report)

Case report


D. B. Gahukamble, Abdul Salam Khamage

Department of Surgery (Paediatric), Faculty of Medicine, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, (GSPLAJ).

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.16, No.1-2. January/July 1993:105-107


This is a report of an unusual case of a congenital diaphragm with a central aperture situated in the region of gastroduodenal junction. Small swallowed foreign bodies failed to negotiate it and caused obstruction. Excision of the diaphragm and pyloroplasty relieved the symptoms completely.

Keywords: Nonpassage of Swallowed Foreign Bodies due to Congenital Gastroduodenal Junctional Diaphragm
