Ophthalmomyiasis caused by the sheep nasal bot, Oestrus ovis (Oestridae) larvae, in the Benghazi area of Eastern Libya.

Original article


Dar MS, Amer MB, Dar FK, Papazotos V.

Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, Libya

Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1980;74(3):303-6.


In a two-year study, from January 1977 to December 1978, 80 human cases of ophthalmomyiasis were recorded at the Benghazi Central Eye Clinic. Infections were due to larvae of the sheep nasal bot, Ostrus ovis. The annual incidence was estimated to be 10 per 100,000 population, with most of the cases occurring amongst males during the months of May, June and July. A typical case history is described to illustrate the clinical features and the treatment used.

Keywords: Ophthalmomyiasis caused by the sheep nasal bot, Oestrus ovis (Oestridae) larvae, in the Benghazi area of Eastern Libya.

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