Ossifying fibroma of the paranasal sinuses

Case report


Mahmud Darwish and Wolf Mann

1) ENT, Head & Neck department, Surman General Hospital, Surman, Libya.
2-Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Mainz Medical School, Germany

JMJ Vol.4 No. 3 (Winter) 2005: 226-228


A rare case of paranasal sinus ossifying fibroma in a 70 years old female Patient is reported. History, ophthalmologic, otolaryngologic, and radiologic examination point towards an osteoma of the left sphenoethmoidal complex. Incomplete tumour resection through lateral rhinotomy approach was performed leading to high suspicion of malignancy. While histopathologic diagnosis was still pending, the patient presented 6 weeks postoperatively with clinical and radiological massive regrowth of the tumour and was clinically again classified as malignant. However histopathological report two weeks later described the lesion as benign osteoid osteoma. Complete excision was performed through revision lateral rhinotomy including soft tissue and bony components of the tumour. Histopathologic examination classified the tumour as well differentiated chondrosarcoma, a diagnosis which was overruled by the pathologic reference centre for soft tissue and bone tumours abroad (Magdeburg-Germany) establishing the final diagnosis of an ossifying fibroma of the paranasal sinuses. Postoperative course of the patient was uneventful and there is no recurrence for 6 months.

Keywords: Ossifying fibroma, Paranasal sinuses, Lateral rhinotomy approach

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