Overwhelming Infection in Splenectomised Children : Report of 2 cases

Case report


R. Baloch, M. El-Mohoub

Department of Paediatrics, Farr Al-Arab Medical University,Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.8, No.2 July 1985:189-191


Fatal sepsis and potentially life threatening complications can resuft after splenectomy performed in childhood. We report two such cases. One had undergone splenectomy for hypersplenism from visceral leishmaniasis, while the other had splenectomy for a haematological disorder. Both of them suffered serious sepsis and sequalae and died six and eight months respectively after splenectomy.

Keywords: Overwhelming Infection in Splenectomised Children : Report of 2 cases
