Rao GM.
Great AI-Fateh University of Medical Sciences, Tripoli, Libya.
Indian J Med Sci. 1995 Nov;49(11):261-6.
After decades of classic research on its secretion from the neurohypophysis and its potential effects in the uterus and the gland, oxytocin has, in the last 15 years, been proven to be centrally distributed neuropeptide with a broad spectrum of behavioral effects. Of particular interest are reports of potent effects of oxytocin on many reproductive and social behaviors such as maternal behavior, female sexual receptivity (lordosis), penile erection, male mounting behavior and side by side contact. The nonapeptides promote a large number of key behavioral interactions between conspecifics than any other class of neuropeptides. Nonapeptides may trigger the appropriate intraspecific affiliative behavior under broad range of reproductive and social conditions.
Keywords: Oxytocin induces intimate behaviors.