Perspectives on Medical Responsibility



Fawzi Benomran

Department of Forensic Medicine, Dubai Medical College.
Dubai Police General Headquarters, Dubai Police Academy.

JMJ Vo1.6 No.1 (Autumn) 2006: 15-19


Almost worldwide, medical responsibility generally lies within the premise of the common law, which looks at the negligent doctor as if he has committed tort. In Libya, there is a separate statute that applies specifically to medical responsibility. Consequent to that statute, an insurance agency was created, to provide for damages awarded to the plaintiff patient by the court of law. The paper gives an overview of the issue of medical responsibility and medical negligence. A brief comparison of the legal points of view between Libya and the United Arab Emirates is also presented. The full text of the statute has been translated into English so that expatriate doctors working in Libya can read it. The objective of this paper is to provide the medical practitioner with the basic information about the subject, and introducing him to the essence of the legal system. Every doctor should realize the risks involved in the course of his practice. A basic knowledge of the law is required to avoid pitfalls and to safeguard oneself against errors arising from ignorance of the duties and rights of the professional person.

Keywords: Medical Responsibility, Libyan Law, United Arab Emirates Law
