Preoperative Versus Postoperative Stay Of Patients With Closed Fractures Of The Lower Limbs

Original article


H. Maghrabi, S. Sagar

Libyan Orthopaedic J. Vol 1,No.1. November 1998:24-26


This study took place at the department of Trauma and orthopaedic, TripoIi Central A Hospital. The department is very busy, most operations are for treatment of fractures and dislocations. We feel that the total Hospital stay of patients is in general unacceptably long. We thus studied a number of factors that might influence this.
The aims is to study the relationship between fracture site, patients age and sex to preoperative and postoperative stay and the effect of prolongation of
preoperative period on postoperative stay.

Keywords: Preoperative Versus Postoperative Stay Of Patients With Closed Fractures Of The Lower Limbs
