Prevalence of hepatitis B and/or C in Benghazi adult renal units.

Original article


A.F. Zaied , F. M. Shibani

Departments of medicine 7thOctober and 7th April teaching hospitals renal units

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.20,No.1.2003:69-78


Aim : Monitoring the trend of seropositivity for HbsAg and HCV antibodies in our hemodialysis patients over a 4 year period. Setting: Adult renal units of Benghazi (7th April and 7th Oct. Hospitals) Materials and Methods: It was carried out in 285 end stage renal disease patients, on heamodialysis. Third generation enzyme linked immunosorbent assays for HCV ab and HBsAg were used. 72 dialysis unit health care workers were used as a control. Results: None of our staff members tested positive. In ESRD patients. the overall HBs Ag positivity showed a statistically significant decrease over the last four years from 21.4 % in 1998 to 12.3 % in this report (p< 0.05). This was accompanied by slight decrease in total viral hepatitis seropositivity from 88 % to 77 %. There was no significant change in our HCV ab positivity rate (75%) when compared with our previous report in 1998 ( 78%). The new change in prevalence rates is mainly attributed to a reduction HbsAg positivity as a result of successful HBV vaccination program in ESRD patients. As to date, there is no effective HCV vaccine available. Conclusion: we emphasize the value of use of erythropioetin instead of blood transfusions, in treatment of ESRD anaemia, together with use of recently available virus screening tests in addition to the widely known RD universal precautions (UP).The above preventive measures have been worldwide reported to decrease viral hepatitis prevalence rates including HCV in USA and Europe. Keywords: HBV,HCV , dialysis units,Benghazi - Libya Link/DOI: