Original article
Mohammed A. Al-Fellani 1, Omran M. Abdulrahman 2, Abdul H. Khan 1; Abousaif A. Abousaif 3
1-Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya. 2-Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya. 3-Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Sebha University, Sebha, Libya.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 22, No.1. 2005:56-60
Background: Incidence of intestinal parasitic infections is a major health problem worldwide, which is associated with clean water supply, better living conditions, proper sewage disposal and health education. Full information on intestinal parasites in Libya is lacking.
Objectives: To detect the prevalence of intestinal parasites among the patients attending Central Lab in Sebha.
Patients & Methods: Eight thousand and eighty-nine stool samples were collected during the period between January 2003 to December 2004. Fresh smear with normal saline and iodine solution were examined in laboratory.
Results: Of the 8089 patients examined, 2226 (27.5 2%) were infected. A high prevalence of B.hominis was observed (18.55 %). E.histolytica, and G.lamblia were found in 537 (6.63 %) and 131 (1.62 %) respectively. The other infections included A.lumbricoides (0.06 %) and H.nana (0.11 %). Conclusion: B hominis was the most frequent parasite recovered from stools submitted to the Centeral Lab. Prevalence of helminthic infections was relatively low. This might be explained by the hot-dry weather of Sebha region.
Keywords: Intestinal parasites, prevalence, Blastocystis hominis