Original article
Mabrouka M. Legnain 1, Ratan Singh 2, Maria Prawecka 1
1-Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis. 2-Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 6, No.1. January 1983:69-77
Toxoplasmosis is a world-wide infection affecting 5 to 95% of various population groups. The present study screened 131 women in Ben ghazi for toxoplasma antibodies by mean of ToxHA test Kit over a 9 month period between 1st October 1981 to 31st May 1982. The prevalence of positive (1:64 or more) toxoplasma antibodies was 45.8% among the whole group, 63.9% among women with a history of pregnancy wastage and 11.1% in those with normal reproductive performance. The rate of positive antibody titre was significantly higher among women with a history of repeated pregnancy wastage and among those aged 30 years or more. The rising toxoplasma antibody titre in 8 pregnant women was considered as an indication of active toxoplasma infection sufficient enough to initiate therapy.The moderately high rate of toxoplasma infection in the study may possibly be due to the large number of cats found in the city, and transmitting the infective oocysts to susceptible populations through contamination of soil, fruits, and raw vegetables. The importance of toxoplasmosis as a factor contributing to reproductive losses and the necessity of early detection and follow up of toxoseropositive women and their offspring is emphasized. Efforts to complete the local toxoplasma ecology, and measures for control of transmission cycle and prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis are outlined.
Keywords: Prevalence of Toxoplasma Antibodies and Pregnancy Wastage Among Women in Benghazi with Pertinent Review of Literature