Psychiatric morbidity in adults with hypopituitarism.

Original article


Lynch S, Merson S, Beshyah SA, Skinner E, Sharp P, Priest RG, Johnston DG.

Academic Department of Psychiatry, St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London, UK.

J R Soc Med. 1994 Aug;87(8):445-7.


Forty-one adults with established hypopituitarism and deficiency of growth hormone (GHD) were compared to an age and sex-matched group with another chronic metabolic disorder (diabetes mellitus) using standardized psychiatric rating and diagnostic measures. Nineteen (46%) of the GHD group were identified as definite psychiatric cases compared with 10 (24%) of the diabetics (odds ratio 1:9:1). The most frequent DSM III-R axis I psychiatric diagnoses were major depression (32% GHD patients and 10% of diabetic patients) and dysthymia. The risk of being a psychiatric case showed an association with duration of illness in the diabetic group, but not in the GHD group. Biochemical indices were not related to the risk of being a case in either group. Hypopituitarism is associated with a higher prevalence of psychiatric disturbance than can be attributed solely to the presence of a chronic disorder.

Keywords: Psychiatric morbidity in adults with hypopituitarism.
