Original article
Abdul-Nasser Elzouki
Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, Libya
JMJ Vol. 1, No. 2 (November 2001): 57-62
To the best of our knowledge, no systematic effort has been directed at understanding the issues related to cancer and cancer patients in Libya. Since understanding community attitudes towards cancer and cancer patients is necessary for the success of educational programs and eventually will tailor these programs to the specific needs of the community, we interviewed 230 Libyan adults to assess their knowledge and attitudes towards cancer. The data of this study demonstrated several areas where Libyans are uninformed or misinformed. Our findings also suggest that efforts towards increasing awareness that cancer is a treatable disease with a potential for cure, if diagnosed early, are necessary.
A comprehensive cancer health education and primary and secondary cancer preventive programs in Libya should be commenced. To achieve this purpose, primary care physicians and community cancer centres should work together.
Keywords: Attitude towards cancer, awareness
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1203