Quantitative assessment of the perilimbal capillary density in digital fluorescein angiography images

Original article


Abdrahman F M Ben Zaglam ¹, Zbigniew Zagorski ², Robert Rejdak ², Milud Elaraoud³

1 -Tripoli Eye Hospital, Tripoli – Libya 2-1st Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Lublin, Poland 3- Almowasat Clinic, Tripoli – Libya

JMJ Vo1.7 No.1 (Spring) 2007:24-26


Description of a simple technique to assess the perilimbal capillary density in digital fluorescein images using image analyzing software. Anterior segment fluorescein angiography was performed on 81 participants (41 males and 40 females, mean age 60.8 ± 16.7); perilimbal intercapillary area (PIA) was measured from digital images using Image tool software. The mean PIA in the study group was 6624 ± 590 µm². We found significant correlation between the age and perilimbal capillary density (P < 0.05). The mean PIA of different age groups were as the following:{ (20 - 29 )years : 6596 ± 254, (30 - 39) years : 6060 ± 353, (40 - 49) years : 6570 ± 668,( 50 - 59)years: 6481 ± 562, (60 - 69)years: 6680 ± 563, (70 - 79)years: 6854 ± 610, (80 - 89) years: 6726 ± 651 } New fluorescein angiography equipments are capable of producing high resolution images for the capillary networks in the perilimbal area and it can easily assess the perilimbal capillary density using image analyzing software’s. Keywords: Perilimbal, Intercapillary area, surface area, Fluorescein, digital image Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1369