Original article
Povstianoi NE, Franka MR, Savchin VS, Antsiferova TE, Galich SP, Driuk NF.
Ukrainskii ozhogovyi tsentr, Kievskii NII gematologii i perelivaniia krovi MZ Ukrainy.
Klin Khir. 1997;(7-8):3-5.
Experience of 69 patients treatment, suffering the soft tissues death with uncovering or partial necrosis of the skull vault bones, occurring after burns and mechanical injuries was summarized. Multiple milling (4 patients) of the uncovered bones is dangerous, lacks efficacy, leads to osteomyelitis and the skull vault defects development. The skull bones revascularization with cutaneo-subcutaneous, complex-composite flaps bringing nutrition from outside was proposed and accomplished. Revascularization methods are depicted, their results are presented in 65 patients. The revascularization conduction in term to 40 days after the injury occurrence permits to reduce the time of treatment, to avert the skull vault bones necroses, to gain good functional results.
Keywords: Revascularization in the skin loss with skull fornix bone exposure