Risk factors for fatal outcome of diabetic ketoacidosis “DKA”

Short communication


S. M. Elhabroush, Naima Elshwehdi, A. Dhem

Tripoli Diabetic hospital- Tripoli – Libya

JMJ Vol. 4, No. 1 (Summer 2005): 66-67


20 Patients with DKA died in our I.C.U. at Tripoli-Diabetic hospital in an interval of about 2 yrs , from over 1000 Patients during the index period. Those who died were studied looking for risk factors for fatal outcome; and compared with another 20 patients who were randomly selected from those who survived with the diagnosis of DKA under the same circumstances. i.e. the same admission day, same criteria of diagnosis and the same I.C.U. services; all patients were treated using standard guide-lines for management of DKA; if the patient is young and has no intercurrent illness and if DKA is adequately managed the prognosis is excellent. however when the patient is elderly or when the intercurrent illness is significant (such as sepsis, myocardial infarction, renal impairment) there is significant mortality. Presentation with Coma and/or renal impairment are a particularly poor prognostic sign; careful monitoring of fluid, electrolytes and treatment of intercurrent illness are crucial for optimizing outcome.

Keywords: Diabets mellitus, hyperglycemia, insulin therapy, diabetic ketoacidosis , risk factors

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