Road Traffic Accidents

Original article


M. A. Lenghi

Dean, Faculty of Medicine of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 2, No.2. July 1979: 61-69


1. Not enough stress has been put on the use of safety belts in the S.P.L.A .J. The fitting and use of front and back seat belts should be compulsory both in cities and along the coastal strip.
2. The establishment of mobile accident units with trained staff in cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be encouraged and linked up by telecommunication with the regional accident service.
3. The Libyan Jamahiriya is a vast country, and distances between main cities are great; this situation can be helped by the organisation of flying squads synchronised with the traffic police patrol and the nearest accident units.
4. Efficient resuscitation, on arrival to hospital plus a high index of suspicion for a concealed injury and appropriately timed surgical intervention will help to reduce early mortality rate.
5. Accident surgery should constitute an important aspect of surgical curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes.
6. The Garyounis Medical Faculty should be more involved with the standardisation of Trauma management in the eastern part of the S.P.LA.J. The teaching hospital (1,385 beds) should be planned to house the CentralAccident Service for this region.
7. More Accident units should be built and linked to a general hospital. Tubruk, Derna, Beida, Barce, Agedabia and Serte should each have a unit comparable to the population of these towns. These units should have direct communication through telephone and helicopter system with the Central Accident Service.
8. Regular training of staff, and continuous education of the people in accident prevention and resuscitation procedures is mandatory.

Keywords: Road Traffic Accidents
