Original article
Ahmed KZ, Crossl J, Pendse VK, Akkad IN.
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Fateh Medical University, Tripoli, Libya.
Pak J Pharm Sci. 1988 Jan;1(1):11-7.
Clonidine, a potent centrally acting antihypertensive drug was screened for effect on ” free ” and ” bound ” acetylcholine (Ach) in brain of morphine dependent and morphine withdrawal rats, anticonvulsant activity and morphine withdrawal rats, anticonvulsant activity and local anaesthetic activity. ” Free ” and ” total ” Ach content in normal (non-dependent) animals as well as in animals dependent to morphine was not changed by clonidine. Naloxone produced abstinence syndrome in dependant rats with highly significant increase in ” free ” Ach. Clonidine pretreatment decreased the rise of ” free ” Ach content produced by naloxone. It failed to show any anticonvulsant effect against maximal electroshock convulsions in rats, however, it exhibited significant local anaesthetic activity. Diuresis, piloerection and convulsions were observed with higher doses of clonidine.
Keywords: Screening of clonidine effect on brain acetylcholine content, anticonvulsant and local anaesthetic properties.