Seasonal variation in occurrence of pre-eclampsia

Original article


Y. Gadmour, Z. Al Okaby

Al-Jalla Maternity Hospital, Tripoli, Libya

JMJ Vol.3 No.1 (March) 2004: 64-66


Objective: This research include a retrospective study done for 5 years from 1997-2001 in Al – Jalla maternity hospital in Tripoli, Libya, to obtain evidence for seasonal variability in the occurrence of pre-eclampsia using the assumption that environmental factors may have a role in the causal mechanisms. Popu1ation from all 31,750 deliveries in AL-JALA maternity hospital we record 135 1 total number of pre-eclampsia, (4.2%), for the last 5 years (1997-2001). Method: For each month, the percentage of births complicated by pre-eclampsia was calculated. The relative risk of preeclampsia by month of delivery was estimated as Odds ratios using the month with lowest risk as the reference category. Results: Mothers of children born in January had the lowest risk of pre-eclampsia, and the risk was highest in late spring and early summer months (April is the highest), for April the adjusted OR: 2.11, 95% CI: 2.168-2.052.This pattern was independent of parity, maternal age. Conclusion: This finding may provide new clue for understanding the causes of pre-eclampsia. Environmental factors that show a similar seasonal variation should be investigated as possible causes.

Keywords: pre-eclampsia, seasonal
